Aviso Support Email/Site
I just have a general question about support tickets submitted by email vs. the zendesk site. When a support ticket is first submitted by email, is there anyway to have it appear under your requests/cc'd requests on the site as well?
Hi Brittany,
After testing this, I found that all support tickets display under your requests when submitted through the web form in Zendesk and/or sent to the Aviso support email (Support@avisoretention.com) from an edu domain email address that is already entered in Zendesk as an authorized domain.
It appears that if a support ticket/request does not appear under your requests/cc'd requests, this happens when an email is sent to Aviso support from an email address that is not associated with Zendesk, i.e. the support ticket request was not sent from cfcc.edu.
If possible, can you please verify this by entering three test tickets - from the web form, your cfcc.edu email address, and a non-cfcc.edu email address? Once you confirm which tickets are included under your requests/cc'd requests, then I will delete the "fake" support tickets.
Thank you!
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