Bulk Tags




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    Sarah Hood

    Hi Brittany, 

    Within the Administrative screens, users are able to Bulk Deactivate tags. It's important to remember that this will deactivate all the tags of this type of students records. If you would like to expire manual tags per student, this can be done by navigating the the tag on a students profile page and deleting the tag from there.

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    Joy, Annette

    Sarah, what about the bulk assignment of students to a Coach?  Can that be undone?  We were thinking about bulk assigning the Career Coaches to their high school students, but that changes each semester.  There are several hundred, so it will take a lot of time for them to manually follow.

    Thank you,


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    Joy, Annette

    Sarah, we found where to do this under Follow Tags.  So, please disregard my question.

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    Jonathan Tyndall

    A bulk deactiviation l of manual assigned tags would be awesome :-)...

    I know the question I am about to ask would be incorrect if students have multiple manually assigned tags. However, for students who have one manually assigned tag but multiple SIS generated tags, if we bulk deactivate all tags, would the SIS dependent tags respawn during the next update (or 24 hours)?



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    Sarah Hood

    Hi Jonathan, 

    It you Deactivate a tag within the administrative screens, the SIS import will not set the tag back to Active. Therefore, the tag will not be re-applied in the subsequent update. 




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